The members of the World Handball Council and the USHA Board of Directors have voted to host a World Handball Invitational with the USHA Four-Wall National Championships at the University of Minnesota, May 25-29.
With the 2021 World Handball Championships postponed last year, this World Invitational provides a unique opportunity for international competition at the site of the last World Handball Championships in 2018. The Invitational will be combined with Men’s and Women’s Open Singles and Doubles divisions of the USHA National Four-Wall Championships. The Wallball event will offer Men’s and Women’s Open Singles and Doubles divisions to be held at nearby Clayland Park’s two regulation one-wall handball courts.
The Worlds Invitational presents a wonderful opportunity to be a part of international handball! Players from all countries are invited to participate in the Four-Wall and Wallball Open events. More information will be posted and registration is open on R2Sports.
The 2023 World and USHA 4-wall Singles and Doubles National Championship handball tournament will be hosted by the MSHA at the University of Minnesota Recreation and Wellness Center May 25-29, 2023.
Registration is now open on R2 Sports
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