Hey all,
Summer is in full swing and I hope this email finds you all well. I have a handful of tournament alerts to share, and wanted to start by simply thanking everyone who made the trip to Minneapolis for 4 wall nationals over Memorial Day Weekend. It was great to have so many of you here and the handball did not disappoint! Collegiates will be returning to the U of MN in 2024 so keep an eye out for the date announcements if you are within striking distance of the Twin Cities and would like to come watch the nations best collegiate players square off for a title!
Tournament alerts as follows…
KCAC 3 Wall “NassT” entries close TONIGHT at 5pm local time! Here is the r2 link for any last minute registrants:https://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=41347 and please contact Lou Serrone las@serrone.com with any questions.
Tall Corn has moved its timeline to a September date, and will be heating up right away again this coming fall, September 15-17, 2023 in Des Moines, IA. Any questions can be sent along to Tom Kopp tkopp82165@aol.com .
The WPH has released its 2023-2024 calendar – see link here and I encourage all to attend any nearby pro stops!! https://wphlive.tv/2023-24-race-4-eight-schedule/
2023 NorthShore Duluth 4 Wall Invitational will be August 4-5 in Duluth, MN; contact Josiah Hakala haka0039@umn.eduwith questions.
2023 Chris Foley Memorial 1 Wall Big Ball Event in St. Paul at Clayland Park will be the weekend following, August 11-12;Josiah and I are partnering for a “BOGO” on registration fees, so if anybody plays in both the NorthShore and CF Memorial events, you save yourself a tournament entry fee! The registration page / flyer should be ready shortly.
There are of course more tournaments happening this summer with dates I’ve already shared recently, but these are the immediate alerts I wanted to get out to the group. Please reference my prior email for the outdoor schedule Eric Hillgren sent around for MO / KS / IL, and I have also attached here the latest USHA Court Shorts email for anybody who doesn’t already subscribe.
Finally…see below!
Roll ‘Em Out…
Quinn Foley Territory Manager Manufacturing | Epicor Kinetic |
Epicor Software Corporation M 651-246-8003
Tag(s): Home Tournaments News & Info